Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia, offers a compelling mix of historical richness, cultural depth, and bustling urban life. From the majestic Royal Palace and the haunting Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum to the lively riverside promenade and bustling markets, Phnom Penh provides a unique glimpse into Cambodia’s soulful heart and resilient spirit.

Below is a two-week holiday itinerary that you may enjoy. Book your flight and hotel with the Expedia link below, and off you go. Have a super holiday.

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Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia, brims with history, culture, and stunning architecture. This city, once known as the “Pearl of Asia,” offers an immersive experience into Cambodia’s tumultuous yet fascinating history, alongside its lively markets, beautiful pagodas, and the warmth of its people. A two-week holiday in Phnom Penh provides ample time to explore its many facets, from haunting historical sites to serene riverside walks.

Week 1: Historical Insights and City Vibes

Day 1-3: Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda

Start at the heart of the city with the Royal Palace, a symbol of the nation. Its intricate architecture and the adjacent Silver Pagoda leave visitors in awe. Spend time understanding Cambodian royal history and marvel at the pagoda’s floor, made up of over 5,000 silver tiles.

4-5: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek Killing Fields

Reflect on Cambodia’s recent history at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, a former high school turned into a prison by the Khmer Rouge. A visit to the Choeung Ek Killing Fields, where thousands were executed, is somber but crucial for understanding Cambodia’s past.

6-7: National Museum and Wat Phnom

Explore the National Museum, housing the world’s largest collection of Khmer art. Visit Wat Phnom, the tallest religious structure in the city, offering peaceful grounds and a glimpse into local spiritual life.

Week 2: Art, Markets, and River Explorations

Day 8-10: Art Galleries and Independent Cafes

Dive into Phnom Penh’s burgeoning art scene by visiting galleries showcasing contemporary Cambodian art. The city’s independent cafes offer spaces for relaxation and reflection, often displaying local artworks and serving as cultural hubs.

11-12: Central Market and Russian Market

Shop at the Central Market (Phsar Thmei), a stunning art deco structure offering everything from gems to electronics. The Russian Market (Phsar Toul Tom Poung) is perfect for souvenirs, handicrafts, and tasting local street food.

13-14: Mekong River Cruise and Farewell Dinner

Embark on a Mekong River cruise to enjoy the city’s skyline from a different perspective. For your farewell, indulge in a traditional Khmer dinner at one of the city’s renowned restaurants, reflecting on your journey.

Reliable Travel Agents in Phnom Penh

For a seamless Phnom Penh experience, consider these reputable travel agencies:

  1. Cambodia Tours
  • Contact: +855 12 345 678
  • Email:
  • Offers personalized tours focusing on Cambodia’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty, ensuring a deep connection with the destination.

2. Phnom Penh Adventures

  • Contact: +855 23 456 789
  • Email:
  • Specializes in immersive cultural and historical tours, providing insights into the heart and soul of Phnom Penh.

3. Indochina Explorers

  • Contact: +855 98 765 432
  • Email:
  • Focuses on tailor-made itineraries across Indochina, with a strong emphasis on authentic experiences and responsible travel.


A two-week holiday in Phnom Penh is an odyssey through time, offering a blend of poignant historical insights, vibrant market life, serene spiritual sites, and a dynamic contemporary arts scene. With the guidance of experienced local travel agents, your journey will be enriched with deep cultural connections, educational experiences, and moments of reflection, capturing the essence of Cambodia’s capital and leaving you with lasting memories of its beauty and resilience.

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