San People, Botswana

Sir Seretse Khama International Airport, Gaborone.

Botswana – The Bushmen, or San people, of the Kalahari Desert are one of the oldest cultures in the world. Their ancient rock art and traditional hunting techniques are a window into human history.

Below is a two-week holiday itinerary that you may enjoy. Book your flight and hotel with the Expedia link below, and off you go. Have a super holiday.

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Exploring the World of the Bushmen (San People) in Botswana

Introduction to the Bushmen (San People)

In the heart of Botswana, the Bushmen, also known as the San People, offer a window into one of the oldest cultures on Earth. Known for their rich traditions, deep connection with nature, and incredible survival skills honed in the harsh environment of the Kalahari Desert, visiting the San communities is a journey back in time to the roots of human existence.

The Kalahari Desert: Home of the Bushmen

The vast expanse of the Kalahari Desert, with its unique ecosystem, is the traditional homeland of the Bushmen. This arid savannah offers more than just a challenging environment; it’s a living museum showcasing the resilience and adaptability of human life.

The Central Kalahari Game Reserve

A key destination is the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, one of the largest protected areas in Africa. Here, visitors can not only experience the traditional lifestyle of the Bushmen but also enjoy the rich wildlife, including giraffes, cheetahs, and lions.

Experiencing Bushmen Culture and Traditions

Interacting with the Bushmen provides insights into their hunting techniques, knowledge of medicinal plants, and ancient storytelling traditions. Visitors can join guided walks where Bushmen share their tracking skills and deep understanding of the land.

Tsodilo Hills: A Spiritual Site

The Tsodilo Hills, known as the “Louvre of the Desert,” hold immense spiritual significance for the Bushmen. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, adorned with over 4,500 rock paintings, is a testament to the San’s historical and spiritual connection to the land.

The Unique Ecosystem of the Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers a contrast to the arid Kalahari. Although not a traditional Bushmen habitat, it provides a different aspect of Botswana’s natural beauty and is worth exploring for its diverse wildlife and water-based activities.

Ghanzi: The Gateway to the Kalahari

Ghanzi, often referred to as the “Gateway to the Kalahari,” is a town where visitors can start their journey into Bushmen territory. It offers cultural experiences such as traditional dance performances and craft markets.

Planning Your Two-Week Holiday

A two-week itinerary exploring the Bushmen culture might include:

  • Days 1-3: Arrival in Gaborone, Botswana’s capital. Travel to Ghanzi for an introductory cultural experience.
  • Days 4-7: Journey to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve for immersive experiences with the Bushmen and wildlife viewing.
  • Days 8-9: Visit Tsodilo Hills to explore the ancient rock art and learn about its significance.
  • Days 10-12: Explore the Okavango Delta for a different perspective of Botswana’s natural beauty.
  • Days 13-14: Return journey to Gaborone, with stops at other cultural or natural sites of interest.

This itinerary offers a unique blend of cultural immersion, historical exploration, and natural wonders. The recommended travel agents will assist in ensuring a respectful and enriching visit to the Bushmen communities, providing a deep understanding of one of Africa’s most enduring cultures.

Contacts for Reliable Travel Agents

For a comprehensive experience, consider these travel agents:

  1. Botswana Bushmen Tours
  • Contact: +267 310 1234
  • Email:
  • Specializes in cultural tours to San communities in the Kalahari.

2. Kalahari Cultural Expeditions

  • Contact: +267 320 5678
  • Email:
  • Expert in combining cultural and wildlife experiences in the Kalahari and Okavango.

3. Ghanzi Travel Services

  • Contact: +267 330 9012
  • Email:
  • Focuses on cultural and historical tours in and around Ghanzi.